The Story - The Birth of the King
October 28, 2018 Speaker: Brice Smith Series: The Story
Passage: Isaiah 53:1–6, John 1:1–14, Luke 1:26–38, Luke 2:8–20, Luke 1:46–55
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The Birth of the King
Does our sense of expectation keep us from missing out what God is doing?
Do we want the things of God or do we want God?
Isaiah 53:1-6 NIV
John 1:1-14 NIV
What does this tell us about Jesus?
1. He was with God from the beginning.
2. He was a part of the creating process (remember that God spoke things into existence).
3. He is life and light, and he will overcome
4. He is going to become flesh and come to the world
5. He would come to the world he made but the world would not recognize him.
6. Those who do recognize him will become children of God
God is looking for someone who will Listen, Hear and Follow
Luke 1:26-38 NIV
Mary needed to be invited in so that she could be a willing participant in the story God was writing.
Things that Mary needed to hear
1. Her son will be Jesus.
2. He is the Son of the Most High.
3. He is going to take the throne of David (Something Mary would have heard about the Messiah).
4. He will reign over Israel forever. His kingdom will never end.
5. No word from God ever fails.
Luke 2:8-20 NIV
Luke 1:46-55 NIV
The shepherds did three very important things
1. They went to find Jesus.
2. They passed along the story to Mary and Joseph about the angels.
3. They went and told everyone else about what happened.
The case of the Wise Men
If they had not been looking to the heavens they would not have seen the signs.
The case of Anna and Simeon
They both waited and watched. They were looking for Him.
They were looking, they were waiting, and they were open to what God was doing.
Do we know what God is going to do?
Or are we waiting on him to change everything, even us?
We can miss what God is doing if we are not willing to let him change whatever it is he wants to change.

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