No Ordinary Man

November 18, 2018 Speaker: Brice Smith Series: The Story

Passage: Matthew 28:16–20, Matthew 15:30–31, Matthew 14:34–36, Mark 4:35–41, Mark 5:1–20, John 9:30–33

Key Scripture


Why is it so important that Jesus have all the power and authority of God? Why do we need him to be just this kind of savior?


Matthew 28:16-20 NIV


Jesus showed power of Nature

- Turned water into wine- John 2:1-2

- Walked on water- Matthew 14:22-33

- He cursed a fig tree and it withered- Matthew 21:18-19

- The calming of the storm


Mark 4:35-41 NIV


Matthew 15:30-31 NIV


- Jesus showed power over the human condition

- Healed a man born blind- John 9

- Healed someone who was paralyzed - Mark 2:1-12

- Cured people from Leprosy- Matthew 8:1-14

- Didn’t even have to try- Matthew 14:34-36

- Raised two people from the dead- Mark 5:21-43, John 11:1-43


Matthew 14:34-36 NIV


- Jesus had power over “other things” as well

- He was able to drive out demons- Mark 5:1-20

- He was able to see into the minds and hearts of others- Mark 2, John 1


Mark 5:1-20 NIV


John 9:30-33 NIV

More in The Story

May 5, 2019

He Has Shown You

April 28, 2019

Grow Up

April 21, 2019

Empty: From Death to Life